
PU and PUR Chemical Resistance Drain Protection Covers

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4. Perchlore ethylene not resistant Petroleum vastly resistant Petroleum ether resistant Phosphoric acid 50% not resistant Potash lye 10% resistant Potassium nitrate vastly resistant Potassium permanganate not resistant Sea water resistant Silver salts 20% resistant Soda lye 10% resistant Sodium chloride 10% vastly resistant Sulfuric acid 30% short-term resistant T ataric acid < 10% resistant T etrahydrofuran not resistant T oluene not resistant T rachloroethylene not resistant T richlorethylene not resistant V egetable fats resistant V egetable oils resistant Xylon not resistant + ( 4 5 ) 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 w w w . D - S . d k d - s @ d - s . d k

1. P o l y u r e t h a n e - C h e m i c a l R e s i s t a n c e C h e m i c a l r e s i s t a n c e o f P o l y u r e t h a n e ( P U R ) . P o l y u r e t h a n e ( P U R o r P U ) i s a p o l y m e r c o m p o s e d o f o r g a n i c u n i t s j o i n e d b y c a r b a m a t e o r u r e t h a n e l i n k s . N o t e t h a t p o l y u r e t h a n e i s n o t a u n i f o r m c l a s s o f m a t e r i a l . T h e c h e m i c a l r e s i s t a n c e s l i s t e d b e l o w s h o u l d a l w a y s b e c h e c k e d w i t h m a n u f a c t u r i n g d a t a . Liquid Classification Acetic acid 20 – 80 10% conditionally resistant Acetone not resistant Aluminum chloride 10% vastly resistant Aluminum Salts resistant Ammonia 10% resistant Ammonium carbonate not resistant Ammonium chloride vastly resistant Aniline not resistant ASTM-Fuel No. I resistant ASTM-Fuel No. II conditionally resistant ASTM-Fuel No. III conditionally resistant ASTM-Oil I resistant ASTM-Oil II resistant ASTM-Oil III resistant Barium Salts resistant Benzene not resistant Bichromate of potash vastly resistant Brake fluid A TE not resistant + ( 4 5 ) 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 w w w . D - S . d k d - s @ d - s . d k

2. Butanol not resistant Butyl acetate not resistant Calcium chloride 40% vastly resistant Carbon disulfide not resistant Carbon tetrachloride 100% not resistant Chlorobenzene not resistant Chloroform not resistant Chloroprene not resistant Chromic acid not resistant Cutting oil conditionally resistant Cyclohexan conditionally resistant Cyclohexanone not resistant Diesel oil vastly resistant Diethylether resistant Diethylprestone resistant Dimethylformamide not resistant Ethanol conditionally resistant Ethyl alcohol 100% conditionally resistant Ethyl ether conditionally resistant Ethylacetate not resistant Ethylencloride vastly resistant Formaldehyde resistant Formic acid 30% not resistant R-12 dichlorodifluoromethane conditionally resistant + ( 4 5 ) 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 w w w . D - S . d k d - s @ d - s . d k

3. R-22 chlorodifluoromethane conditionally resistant Gasoline resistant Glycerin resistant Glycol resistant Hydraulic oil SAE 90 conditionally resistant Hydrochlorid acid not resistant Isopropanol not resistant Jet-fuel resistant Kerosene resistant Kerosene resistant Lactic acid 10% not resistant Magnesium chloride 30% vastly resistant Methanol < 5% conditionally resistant Methylethylketon conditionally resistant Mineral oil conditionally resistant Motor oil not resistant Mythyl acetate not resistant Mythyl chloride not resistant Mythylglycol not resistant Mythylglycolacetate not resistant Nitric acid 30% not resistant Olive oil resistant Ozone resistant Paraf fin oil resistant + ( 4 5 ) 5 5 4 4 6 6 4 4 w w w . D - S . d k d - s @ d - s . d k


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